Friday, January 2, 2009

What did Santa get you for Christmas?

Hello Everyone in the interwebs land! How are you? Did everyone have a fine Holiday? I have to say that I did. It was very pleasent and full of everything good, I quite enjoyed myself with the bird watching and the home cooked meals; much a delight. Though I do have to inform you that there was some not so good things that happened; and they can all be summed up with one phrase, I got sick. That is right ladies and gentalmen of the jury, I became ill over the course of the holidays and I have yet to fully recover; though I am feeling much better as of late.

What exactly I am sick with I am still not sure. It is something like the flu but without the sniffily and congestion stuff:

> Achey? Yes.
> Tired? Yes.
> Fever? That is a good possibility, though not all the time.
> Headache? YES! On and off for almost two weeks now.
> Swollen glands? I think so. I do have a very strange bump behind my right ear.

Sounds flu-ish to me, but to be safe I should call the Doctor and find out. This much I know very well. The boy has been telling me to go to the doctor for about a week now; and I just spoke with my mother and she also said that I should go. And if you knew my mother you would know that that is a big thing; my mother, though she is not one herself, her parents were Christian Scientists, so doctors aren't very high on the list. So I guess I know what I will be doing on Monday. I was actually hoping to feel well enough to go to the gym, I haven't been in three weeks, I am paying for nothing at this time and that is not what I want to be paying for if you know what I mean.

Well I know that this was short, but I do have an excuse. I am sick. Happy New Year Everyone!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Adventures await...

If those of you who may actually follow this blog of mine are paying attention you will notice that I have been updating on Thursday afternoons; not all the time, but a good 83% of it.

Well I am writing this week to let you know that there will be no post next week, not just because it is Christmas day, but because I will be half way across the country. I think that I have mentioned before that I am a local girl; born, raised and live in the great state of Massachusetts. Right about now you might be wondering why I am going to be half way across the country for Christmas if my whole family lives in the Northeast. Well.... the boy's family lives in the Midwest, he is a corn fed Midwestern boy. And I made the decision in the beginning of October that I would go to Christmas at his family's this year. This decision caused a lot of turmoil within my family, and I do mean A LOT of turmoil, but I stuck to my guns and kept with my decision. We are leaving tomorrow evening. During the snow storm. We are also stopping by my mother's house before we leave the state so that we can drop off presents before the holiday.

This trip is shaping up to be awesome on so many levels

To be honest I am really excited about it, on Monday I get to take a day trip to Chicago with the boy and his dad. I have never been there so I am SUPER excited about that; even though the boy keeps telling me that "it is great that you're this excited but if you could dial it back you might be a the right level." What does he know! Well a lot actually, he is hands down one of the smartest people that I have ever met. But Chicago... yes, I think that it will be great, not life altering mind you, but pretty awesome. As Jazlyn's European suitor said, 'it will give my eyes a different vocabulary' and I think that that about fits the bill; and he didn't say it to me of course, he said it to Jazlyn, but she told me about it and I have already told him that I am stealing that phrase and if he wants it back he needs to get his European bum over to this side of the Atlantic to get it back, so if you are thinking about using that phrase you better start thinking about royalties!

So Chicago... I knew that I could get back on topic! (*Warning*: I am about to not make a whole lot of sense unless you know me and know how my stream of thoughts normally run) As anyone who knows me relatively well knows, I am a huge Harry Potter fan, I will be the first to admit that I am a Potterhead, and I know that it could be worst very easily. I actually have to restrain myself when it comes to this brand. If I didn't I know that I would be one of those people (adult people) who have the posters and the clothes and everything and I also know how sad that would be. So because of my fan-ness I think that I may need to take another trip to Chicago.

Are you confused yet?

Let me explain. In my daily escapade in the land of Harry Potter (on the Internet) I came across this:

I am hoping and praying that this thing is of the travelling kind. But if it isn't Chi-town it's you and me BABY!

I hope that that clears my scattered post up a little bit. This one might need re-reading. Or perhaps a quiz at the end... Meh, I don't think that I have that much focus left in me.

Okay that is all for this year (maybe)! I wish everyone a Happy Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The holidays are getting closer and my time is running faster.

I am cheating again.... Sorry for those who care.

He seems to me a fictional being,
a jackalope of sorts.
Purveyor and owner of all that he sees,
yet ever wandering
through the vast expanse of the ballroom.

not unlike Santa Clause.
He has a glazed look upon his face,
as if,
like Santa,
he has eaten
too many cookies all at once.

It dawns on me
he doesn’t know what to do
or is he bored?
Seeming to be waiting,
for what?
His distinctive pacing
driving me insane.

‘Settle’ is all I can think
but of course
I am rendered
Merely an ant in the mines.

‘You created us,
to do what we are doing now
so that you might
do what you are doing now’
is my next thought.
Though I know that it is fruitless
how can an ant
tell Santa what to do,
when all Santa does
is wander
through empty ballrooms.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

I think that we have a problem...

These are exerps from a conversation I had with Jazlyn* about her infatuation with a former occupant of her apatment... I find it very amusing...

10:11 AM me: you're insane you know that right?
10:13 AM Jazlyn: no im not
you're just as deep into this as i am
you blogged about it
me: Also, did you notice the fact that she has TWO pictures of my building in her albums?! TWO J! AND they were taken in, like, July; which means I was totally here at work when they were taken.
10:14 AM Jazlyn: she lives on comm ave!
10:18 AM me: What?
that is weird
Jazlyn: so p. t.'s life isn't as unfulfilled as we thought
me: maybe
I realized that with the flickr
10:23 AM did you see the pictures?
the selarium!!!
Jazlyn: yes
of p's?
me: she was right there
where on Comm. does she live?
10:24 AM Jazlyn: if i knew that we'd have been there already
maybe she doesn't live right on comm ave, but it's where she walks her stupid dogs
10:25 AM me: hmmm...
Jazlyn: so she's not in texas
but no pictures of her on her flickr
which i find strange
10:26 AM me: some people just don't like to have their picture taken
but there are only the dogs
Jazlyn: also strange that she would own the whole floor of the house
i don't think she owned the whole house... maybe?
me: I mean I didn't go indepth or anything butare there pictures of people?
Jazlyn: there's pictures of when she went to italy and prague
10:27 AM me: of other people?
or just her?
Jazlyn: of her sister
linda or angela
10:28 AM me: does she have two sisters?
Jazlyn: yes and a brother i think
10:29 AM from her mothers obituary
me: you should make a time line of her life
Jazlyn: OHh
new fact
apparently p. lived in california in second grade
me: do you tell your therapist about P.?
Jazlyn: yes california
10:31 AM he said i should contact her and tell her about her stuff
me: and what does he say?
Jazlyn: he said out of all teh people that have lived there, you were the only one thinking that she need to get this stuff back, that say i'm a moral person
even though i totally went through it too
Jazlyn: i put it all back neatly last night
Jazlyn: i sorted it all, highschool crap, christmas crap, taxes crap, and craft shit.
Jazlyn: so my therapist still thinks p. lives in texas
10:37 AM yes
maybe if he knew she lived in boston he'd be like, she sounds nutty.
stay away
Jazlyn: cuz i was thinking she was poor
but when she lived in watertown she made 60000 a year and drove a sports car
and now she lives in boston
10:38 AM but i don't think she went back to college?
me: and that was in the late 90's right?
that she lived at your house
10:40 AM Jazlyn: she lived in myhouse, worked for american heart association and made 60000 and drove a mitsubishi 3000 gt which is a fancy red 2 door peppy car that pete and brian knew from seeing it in video games
10:41 AM me: yes, but that was in the late 90's right?
Jacklyn: umm
me: hmmm....
10:42 AM and now she lives IN the city
Jazlyn: and cleary the lady on flickr is the right person
me: hmm
Jazlyn: right?
10:43 AM me: let me look at the italy pictures
10:44 AM Jazlyn: i mean the cousin sister checks out, the dog collie named connor checks out. the time frame of when she went to italy prague checks out.
10:45 AM and she started taking digital about the time she moved out of my house.
me: where are the pictures of her and her sister?
10:47 AM Jazlyn: in the louve
a lot of flash photography in the louve which i would think would not be allowed
10:48 AM but maybe aound statues it's okay
me: the louvre is neither in italy or prauge...
Jazlyn: and musee d'orsay
10:49 AM she has a photo of a bougereau painting
which may explain why theres a framed bougerau print in my house
that no one knew where it came from
and it's what made me want to move in there
10:51 AM and the italian drawings that i put in the dead refridgerator
Jazlyn: so p. was good at math asa child, enjoyed needlepoint.
me: very true
10:53 AM Jazlyn: then she got divorced, went back to school, maybe jsut took a few art classes, maybe she tooke several cuz her flickr says "photos from a photography class", moved into my house?
me: the sister is a.
and it is totally her
10:54 AM Jazlyn: yes
even when her a l. were together
they traveled a lot
even if it wa sjust to new mexico or the grand canyon
or south carolina
and evertime they moved she took a whole role of film after they set up the furniture
10:55 AM and i tried to look for her neices on facebook
but i forget the yougnest one's name
me: maybe she has a facebook
10:56 AM Jazlyn: there is an old lady with a facebook named p. t.
but she has brown hair.
but p. may be gray no anyways and just dying it
like a brown pageboy haircut
wearing a puple tank top with chubby arms
My favorite line?

"she has a photo of a bougereau painting
which may explain why theres a framed bougerau print in my house
that no one knew where it came from
and it's what made me want to move in there
10:51 AM and the italian drawings that i put in the dead refridgerator"

*like Jazlyn is her real name...what do you take me for?!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mixed Bag...

While I realise that I do not update as much as I "should" on this little site, I also realize that I lead a rather boring life; so if I did update on a daily basis my small following would be put into a coma of boredom. That being said, I want to share my story from yesterday regarding the building that I work in.

The Ames-Webster Mansion did not want to come back from the weekend. I don't know if it was just really tired, or if it was hungover or what; but it did not want to wake up. First off I was late to get to work; which if you have read my post "The hidden agenda of the brain prior to 8:30 in the morning" then you know that I like to be sitting at my desk and ready for the day at 8:30. By contract I am only required to be in the building by that time. What can I say, I am an over achiever. So yes, yesterday I was actually late, getting into the building at 8:43, SHAMEFUL I tell you... Anyway, I settle into my Monday morning groove: working on the agenda for the 9:30 meeting, answering the frantic Monday phone calls, and taking care of the weekend voice mails and emails. At around quarter past nine in the morning the CEO, who had just walked in, walked back out of his office and informed me that the phones were not working. This caught me off guard since I was just on the phone with the president and owner of the company. I test it out, and the CEO is right... we have no phones. Now I do not recall if I have shared the on-going struggle with the phone system in the building. It is insane, every other Monday the phones would go down for about an hour, when we thought that we had that fixed that, the hard drive for the phone system died. Before that there is a VERY long list of things that were wrong/went wrong with the phones (one time in July the phones were out for 4 days... FOUR days!). We have been/were in the process of switching service providers as well... But all you really need to know here is that the phones suck and went down about 15 minutes prior to our Monday morning meeting. The other lovely happening would be the elevator... It is old, very old. It has a gate instead of an actual door, so that should give you a clue. It also has a weight limit of 700 lbs., sounds like a decent weight limit I know; but throw a few good sized men in there and it WILL stop between floors. Well the elevator was stuck between floors for not reason yesterday. There was no one in it, it was just stuck. If you looked into the elevator door window, you could see the floor of the elevator above your eye level, the window is about 4' off the ground. the best part is that I had to wait for the phones to be fixed before anything with the elevator could happen because I couldn't call for a tech.

Everything was resolved eventually, we ended up switching phone providers a day early because of all the craziness; so with any luck I won't have to deal with that again. The elevator tech came and fixed the issue and called our elevator an "old piece of crap" in the process, which made me laugh to hear a tech say it. And I hope this made you laugh, though I am pretty sure that a lot of you are in a boredom induced coma right now.

P.S. Docta-Lady, how are you?! It has been forever! And I think that it would be awesome if you used that phrase on a regular basis.

Friday, November 21, 2008


The boy and I went to a poker night last night.

We have been getting into poker over the last few months. It started with me browsing the channels one night and being so bored that I stopped on a poker tournament. Something in the boys head clicked that night, and though I went to bed, he stayed up til like 3 in the morning just immersed in the game. And it has been somewhere on a hill ever since; up or down, you choose... right now I am leaning towards up.

We tried hosting a poker party with our friends, but it did not really work out all that great. The mix was just off, either too much alcohol (which is my choice) or not enough forethought about who was coming and if they even knew how to play...
I managed to convince my step father to give me one of his poker tables and a set of chips; so when we do decide to host another poker party we look all legit. The boy bought a couple of poker simulating computer games and he has been studying up. I happen to have a poker game on my phone, so you can guess what I do on the T. Though in all seriousness I should finish the book that I am reading instead of playing... So it has kind of become our thing.

Two weeks ago, a guy in our small group emailed that he was going to be hosting a poker party and any that were interested could come and play... Well guess who RSVP'd.

The poker night was last night, and including the boy and myself, there were five people total at the party; four guys and me, the only girl. And they where all from church. I have to admit that at first I did not hold out much hope of the party being much fun because of that fact. I was wrong. The party was a blast! One of the guys was a middle school math teacher, and he was kind enough to teach us a few new games that were about ten tons of awesome in a one ton bag, I specially enjoyed crazy pineapple. With dealer rotation came game rotation, so that kept everyone on their toes. It was rather amusing though, because we would learn a new game, play it for a hand, and if it was too stressful for us to handle we would bring our heart rate back down with a good ole' game of Texas Hold'em. Who would have thought that a round of no limit poker was a stress relieving thing... So at the end of the night guess who brought home the pot... Any guess? Any at all? Nope not the math teacher, want to guess again? Nope not the boy, he actually bought back in after loosing all his chips. WAIT, you in the back. What did you say? Louder please and stand up so that everyone can hear. YES! Person in the back, you are correct, the girl won the night! I think that it surprised the heck out of my boy. I think that he thought that I was just humoring him with the watching of the WPT tournaments, not paying attention or something.

To be fair, I will admit that I was incredibly card lucky last night. I think that I caught something like 3 flushes, and a couple of straights, I had "big slick" (ace, king) on more than one occasion, and my fingers where like magnets for aces. What that means to people who do not speak poker, is that when I put a lot of money in the pot and someone called me on it, I had the cards to back it up.

So the house rules of last night were that the winner would take everyone else out to dinner. I have no problem with that, I just think that it might be more fun if I invited the guys over to our (the boy & I's) place, cooked them a yummy home cooked dinner, and had another poker night. I am going to email them, all this idea. What do all you in computer land think?

Monday, November 17, 2008


PART ONE: Doppelganger

Dear Karatebon,
You have a doppelganger. Not just a twin, but someone who looks so much like you that it has happened on several occasions that I have tried to say something witty to this poor individual, in hopes that I would be starting a conversation with you; only to have her turn and look at me with a face full of confusion. When this happens I, of course, pretend as if nothing has transpired. The resemblance is really quite frightening. I normally see her on my way home, she gets on the green line at Arlington, and gets off at Park Street.
She has the same texture of hair, same color of hair, same color of eyes, same shape of face, same body type, the only thing that might be a little bit different is height; she may just be a tad bit shorter... 9 times out of 10 she is seated, so I have only come to this conclusion fairly recently. She even tends to wear things that you would wear. Yellow for instance, I see her in yellow often.


On Saturday the boy and I had the classic dinner and a movie night. We went to see W., the Oliver Stone bio-pic of our current sitting president. It was a good film; by no means a great film. It was the dinner prior to the movie that was great.
We had stuffed crepes, and they were delicious. Mine was filled with pretentiousness. I figured that if I was going to have a crepe for dinner that I might as well have it live up to being as pompous as possible.
A crepe filled with brie, arugula, caramelized onions and portabella mushrooms... Ridiculous, but scrumptious.